
Saturday 6 June 2009

When does enthusiasm become obsession?

Tea cupboard tins
I don't know how it happened. A couple of years ago I was the kind of person who would occasionally have a cup of Typhoo or a fragrant but bland herbal tea. I mean, tea was OK but nothing to get overly excited about. More of a way to step away from the keyboard during a busy work day than anything else.

Now all that has changed. It began when I bought a loose leaf tea from Fortnum & Mason. I can't even remember what made me do it. I think I was attracted to the shiny silver tin or something. But now things are getting out of hand. My tea cupboard is overflowing with green tea, oolongs, a whole array of black teas and rather lovely blends.

And buying the sacred leaf was only the start: the tins, the teapots, the strainers and other accoutrements. Not to mention considerations about what cup to serve it in; what cake or biscuit would go nicely with it; and perhaps most financially risky, where to extend my interest when not in the comfort of my own home.

So in an attempt to scratch my tea itch I'm starting a blog that will allow me to pass on my tips (pardon the pun), recommendations, and reviews. I'll also share my general thoughts about the beloved beverage (and anything else that feels of vital importance).

Now, has that kettle boiled yet..?


  1. What a beautiful blog! A pleasure to look at and a joy to read. I know the title implies teetotalness but perhaps a small section on tea-based cocktails for your more alcohol-dependent followers? Can the blogmistress please recommend a good tea for work-consumption? I don't like getting involved with milk in the day-time but am weary of peppermint or liquorice herbals. Is there a 'proper' tea that is very delicate and doesn't require milk that comes in a tea bag? x

  2. Now I'm partial to the Lapsang Souchong. Is that too bourgeois for this blog? Probably because it tastes a bit like an Islay malt. Too alky? Pls advise.

  3. Ahhh I used to love LS in my 1st year at uni - never had any milk then so it was my 1st foray into 'posh' Twinings tea bags. I think it is v much a mix of perfume crossed with smoky bacon. I love an Islay malt so I think I need to get me a box and re-live my youth.....

  4. Firstly thanks for caring you guys - you're fab.

    I am also a big fan of the Lapsang - nothing is too bourgeois for this blog (even though all proper tea is theft...)

    In fact, I am currently drinking, amongst other things, a very nice blend of Assam, Darjeeling, and Lapsong Souchong. I love it with milk.

    I am putting my thinking cap on about your query Rachy. In fact, I may well blog about it tomorrow.

  5. I forgot to mention my breakfast tipple, which is Camel Brand gunpowder green tea from China. The Red Flag forever!

  6. I think green tea for breakfast is very Zen. I'm impressed,

  7. What a wonderful blog! I can't wait to pop round and take a nosey in your amazing tea cupboard.
