
Monday 8 February 2010

Upmarket Cupcakes

Upmarket Truman Brewery Brick Lane cupcakesI've realised I am becoming quite fussy when it comes to cupcakes. The more baking I do myself, the more I feel it's unacceptable for so-called bakeries to make a boring old vanilla cupcake, stick a few sweets on top and charge upwards of £1.75 for it. So what a delight to stumble upon Molly Bakes yesterday. I had a lunchtime bowling date for a friends birthday and on the way home decided to pop into UpMarket at the Truman Brewery to grab a bite to eat. One delicious Ethiopian injera wrap later it was time to head home. But just as I was thinking "hmmmnnn, what I really fancy is something sweet", the Molly Bakes stall appeared before me as if a vision. My growing scepticism about cupcakes may have encouraged me to walk on by were it not for the lavender cupcakes I spotted.

Upmarket Truman Brewery Brick Lane cupcakes lavenderI'm not sure if I've mentioned it before but I am a lavender fiend. I can't get enough of it. The smell is good - but the taste is just heavenly. So imagine my excitement when I spotted a stand of violet-coloured cupcakes with tiny lavender buds sprinkled on top. I just had to try them. As it was getting towards the end of the day, the lovely lady behind the stall (Molly herself I presume) offered a bargain deal - 4 cupcakes for £5 - so I really had no choice but to accept.

Upmarket Truman Brewery Brick Lane cupcakes selectionHalf-an-hour later, at home, with a steaming cup of my Assam/Darjeeling/Lapsang blend in hand, it was the moment of truth. And, I'm pleased to say, a pretty good moment it was too. The texture of the cupcake itself was perfect - light without being insubstantial. But the biggest delight was the presence of tiny lavender buds throughout the cake which gave a subtle yet distinctive flavour. The vanilla buttercream was a lovely texture and those few extra sugared lavender buds topped the whole thing off beautifully. Coffee Boy had a banoffee one which he declared to be delicious: banana sponge with lovely little chewy toffee bits. I also chose a lime & coconut, and a rose & pistachio one, neither of which I've tried yet. But if the two we've sampled so far are anything to go by, we're in for another treat.

Upmarket Truman Brewery Brick Lane cupcakes Molly BakesIt really is a pleasure to find someone making genuinely good cupcakes and selling them at a reasonable price, rather than the scores of places that seem to be jumping on the cupcake bandwagon and offering - at best - pretty ordinary goods for far too much dosh. So if you find yourself wandering down Brick Lane one weekend and need a little sugary pick-me-up, you know where to go. Just save a lavender one for me!


  1. Lavender cupcakes? Intriguing. Injera bread? Ooooo that sounds so good and I haven't had any for so long! Must find some here.

  2. We sometimes go to that place Massai on Lychener Str which isn't bad. There's also a good place in Kreuzberg near the canal. I can't survive too long without injera!

  3. Hello! Love the cupcakes! Now I really want one! I don't know what Injera wrap's are but would love to try one.

  4. Injera's a bit of an acquired taste Donna, slightly sour with a spongey texture - but I love it. Definitely worth a try if you can find a good Ethiopian or Eritrean restaurant.

  5. Ok, I just clicked on your Injera (Wikipedia)definition so now I know what it is and it sounds interesting! Still would love to try one!

  6. Those photos are like cupcake porn!!!!

  7. ooh amazing blog - thank you! Soooo glad you enjoyed the cupcakes, I have devoured a couple of leftover ones myself naughty!

    Your pics are really good too xoxo

  8. These certainly look classy cupcakes and I approve heartily of the flavours. Lavender ones I've made (not that they looked anything like as good as these) but I think I might be having a go at Rose & Pistachio. I agree about everyone jumping on the bandwagon and most being hugely disappointing. I'd heard that there was a cupcake shop in Plymouth (where I work) so I hastily set off one lunchtime to check it out all excited at the prospect and I very hastily backed off again. They just looked cheap and nasty and I couldn't bring myself to buy one at all - very disappointing.

  9. Oh my, lavender cup cakes? Your blog post just made my mouth water! There are always exciting different food stands to be found around Truman Brewery on Sunday - I always think now is the best time to enjoy it, before it all goes a bit gaga over summer with all the visitors.

    Yum! Am off to raid the biscuit cupboard now to stop my tummy from grumbling.

  10. These cupcakes look lovely, if I find myself in Brick Lane direction one Sunday I must investigate.
