
Sunday 6 June 2010

Happy Anniversary

I just wanted to post today to celebrate the first anniversary of my blog. It was exactly one year ago today that I first set sail on this journey and I've loved every minute of it. Meeting so many like-minded readers - and other bloggers - has been an unexpected joy and having a forum in which to talk at length about all things afternoon tea-related has probably helped me stay sane!

So thanks to all my regular readers; and those that just stop by from time-to-time. Here's to many more years of tea fun.


  1. Happy Blogaversary!

    I have loved reading your blog and sharing a cuppa with you when I visit. Hers's to many more years of blogging and tea!

    Best wishes,

  2. Happy anniversary from Germany!!!!!!!

  3. Happy 1 year from Vancouver, British Columbia!

  4. Happy Blog-Birthday! I've loved being one of your afternoon tea buddies. Here's to more tea and cake in the upcoming year.

  5. Happy anniversary! When are we doing tea again?

    Many happy returns and lots of tea and cake to you. x

  6. Happy anniversary.

    Here's to many more lovely cups of tea and slices of cake.

  7. very happy that you started your blog - any cycling tea obsessive is onto life's winning combination in my book. Love that cup!

  8. Thanks so much for all of you well-wishes. It really has been such fun writing the blog. The fact that there are people out there who enjoy reading it is a massive bonus!

  9. Happy Blog-oversary, I have been enjoying your Japan posts.

  10. Congratulations and well done. it feels really good to get to that first year milestone doesn't it?
